Monday, November 19, 2012


I am sitting at work and I am contemplating my life up to this point.  What has brought me here? Why am I doing the things I am doing the things I am doing?  Is there a purpose to my life? Was I meant to teach high school classes?  Was I meant to be single?  Why am I seldom able to finish the things I start?

I can sometimes feel an inkling of a pattern, an impression of direction, in my life and yet, it is hard to see the broader purpose.  I have trouble connecting with people on a deep, meaningful level.  I am afraid of what will come to the surface and that others won't like or understand what they see.

Unresolved issues are the order of the day!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Follow my new Blog!!

I made a new blog for my Tricycle adventure, here.  Enjoy!

Monday, April 18, 2011


I purchased my tickets and just about everything I need for my trip. The only thing left is some sort of panniers or trailer. I am having a hard time deciding. We'll see how it goes.


My bank account has dictated that I opt for something that is assembled by me. Funny how the green pieces of paper in my wallet can determine so much of my life. No worries, though, the most important things have already been purchased: My bike, My tickets, and my cooking gear.

I think that I will buy a pair of Arkel Cam Lock hook kits. They are a bit pricey but, when compared to their top of the line Recumbent Panniers, they are a steal. I just need to add some square buckets and lids and I'll have myself a nice pair of waterproof, easy to use panniers. I have contemplated using kitty litter buckets but, because I have no cats, it seems like a waste to just throw all of that litter away. Besides, I found a website that sells nice square buckets with lids.

More later. . .

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Time Flies!

As you can tell, I love to blog! Every single day! Ha!

It has been several years since my last blog post. But that should change this summer: I am planning a big cycling tour that will start in May and go until I get to St. Louis, MO. I will fly to Boston, MA, then ride my cycle to New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC, and then west to Finish in St. Louis. I will post later as more information becomes available.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Trying Something New and Other Stuff

Hello everyone!

If you are reading this, I thank you. The last little while has been great, I just got my final grades for this semester and I am pleased with how things turned out. I earned A's in all my classes except one, Calculus. But I passed that class so, I am happy. I also finished an Associate's Degree. I am headed to a school with a real engineering program to finish things up. I wanted to go to school this summer but, the finances didn't justify it. So, I am living with my brother and mom for now.

The "something new" is affilate sales. I am promoting a product and I make a commission from each sale. I didn't really start until yesterday, so I can't say if I will be successful or not. But, you can check it out here if you want. I may start a separate blog to keep you updated.

Have fun!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A little venting

Well, I was called by an engineering firm for an interview on Monday. The interview is tomorrow and I am really excited! I hope I get that internship, I am tired of working in places that have little or nothing to do with my chosen Major. If I get this internship, I will finally be able to decide if I like engineering or not. They are a civil engineering firm that I don't know much about. Wish me luck in the interview!

This morning, I arrived a bit early for my programming class. I noticed one of my classmates working on a paper. What is he doing, I thought. We work on computers in this class. Then I asked, "whatcha' workin' on?"

"The test that is due today."

The little procrastinator inside of me had won again! I frantically searched through my things to find the test paper that had been handed out one week ago, today. To my relief, I found the paper. To my chagrin, it was blank.

I looked at the clock, ten minutes until class started. I worked through the first few problems and found most of it to be fairly intuitive. When the teacher arrived, I left so that I could concentrate on the test. Twenty minutes later, I had finished the test and he had just started to grade the test. An I got a 91% on it.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007


In High School, I took a creative writing class and I started a story that I really liked but, I never finished it. While I was a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Russia, I started stories but never finished them. I feel that they were pretty good, but I have a hard time getting past the first page.

Check this out:
"What is there left to do but wait?" asked Jusos, the king's advisor.
"Wait for what, my son to just appear out of thin air?" replied the king. "No, we must send another expedition to take him back. I cannot tolerate this situation any longer!"

Jusos knew that this would be the response of the king, this same conversation had taken place many time before in the last six months. With battles raging between the two nations, the king had sent most of his best knights to retrieve the prince from the enemy. None had returned, nor sent word, but many had been sent body-less back to the King.

"I know that he will be safe . . . he must be safe. The prophecy has said that he would be king, Jusos," said the king.


What do you think?