Monday, October 29, 2007


The rest of the year was quite eventful. I think I will give up on the changing of names to protect the innocent. I will also not try to enumerate everything that has happened in the last 9 months. But here's a quick rundown: After I stopped trying to date Ashley, our relationship improved. I started dating Erin, a cute blond in my Racquetball class, things were going fine until I decided to head down to Albuquerque for the summer to be a Techician for NorthStar Alarm Services. I tried to call her every now and then but, I should have called more. She got a new phone and "lost" all of her contacts. Anyway, I kind of gave up on her. I didn't really have much time for dating so, it was kind of boring. Then, on the first Sunday of July, I met Malorie. Apparently, she liked me. We watched Fireworks on the fourth and began spending a lot of time together. This went on for about a month, I was calling her my girlfriend. But, she and I weren't a good match and things fell apart. I came home to start school. I then started dating Emily, she's a good girl, but I don't know if we'd be good together, long Term. There's more, but you'll have to torture it out of me.

More posts later . . . maybe

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