Sunday, December 24, 2006

A bowl game and other things

A few days ago my brother and I drove to Las Vegas to watch the BYU vs. Oregon bowl game.
BYU started out rough but, they won quite handily and it was a fun trip for both of us. If you want a full rundown of the game, check out my brother's blog.

That trip drained me financially; I needed to buy new tires for my car and pay for some of the gas and my ticket. After the trip, I had to work. I worked less that day than any other time, while I have worked there.

A girl at work invited me to her Christmas/Breakfast party and she told me to get a gift for the girl that I find interesting. "Get her a present, chocolates or something, because I know you have a little crush on her," she said.

I was able to leave work early enough to hit the local Wal-mart. What to get? Candy? No, not by itself, at least. She likes things that are "cute." What's cute and creative. My mom makes teddy-bears smell good by dipping them in wax.

So, I found a small teddy bear and chocolates, and was on my way home. I had Mom show me what to do and it turned out alright.

The party came and gifts were given. She liked it. . . but, I should have gotten a plush penguin. That would have been lots better.

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